One of the days last week it went very dark, it was quite early afternoon, Took this snap. It brightened up after.
Someone I saw going down to the shop a couple of days ago, in a big old oak tree. Not a very good picture as I realized after hadn't got camera on the setting thought I had.
Books. Am reading David Attenborough's First Life, strange choice I know. Something therapeutic about reading life from so long ago! (And about those out there finding out about it.)
The Ed Org book is one of my current favourite books and is well thumbed. Great admirer of his art, he grew up not far from here, if I am not mistaken. Although he does not live in this area now. The Wrekin Hill Alan Frost have included as must find time to read it, includes pictures of Mammoth bones found not far from here, I did go and see some of these when on display at Cosford many years ago.