Monday 23 September 2013

Some little watercolour paintings ACEOs I hope will sell on ebay.
Will be going away for a few days and probably will not be able to go on a computer. Do not think I am a very good knitter, but am knitting a short sleeved cardigan a Martin Storey pattern at the moment. Have knitted slightly longer than pattern.
 Knitted pieces, have knitted in some Sirdar Denim DK yarn, had this for some time, think the tweedy type yarn is more forgiving if your knitting is not quite as neat as you would like it to be .
The sleeve.
 Sewed some ends in. Started to pin together. As  am doing this in the bedroom and want to be careful, am using safety pins. The pale wool thread through is what I did to make sure I had the same amount of rows up to the raglan in the front pieces as in the back. The threaded yarn helped me count the rows. As you can see haven't pressed pieces, its only a small cardigan.

Stitching up, pattern states use backstitch or mattress. Using backstitch.

 Taking safety pins out and putting them in next bit to stitch as I go along.
 One side stitched, stitching next side and adding first front piece.
This is how far I have got hope to finish within a couple of weeks and show results. Am rather slow and also have to get ready to go away for 4 nights.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Time goes on and I am still not finding time to complete some projects. So have taken some  photographs this morning in the garden, some flowers still hanging on!  A few orange nasturtiums.

Above a Chinese lantern flower, with green lanterns and fully deloped orange lanterns behind.
Himalayan Honeysuckle which was a surprise addition to the garden. It must have arrived with birds because we didn't even know what it was and took some to a garden centre, luckily they recognized it immediately.

All sorts of insects seem to be attracted to this. When the berries are fully ripe birds are attracted as well. The photographs show some wasps.

Thursday 12 September 2013

 Butterfly Dreams. Hopefully an Art and Craft Blog. It has taken me so long to actually start the blog I haven't done any Art or Craft today! I enjoy Drawing, Painting, Sewing and Knitting
An Autumnal sign when the Chinese lanterns turn orange.