Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Makes - Sewing

This is  a dress made using this pattern 

Have just used pinking for neatening edges, I think this is ok for small garments and a soft edge.

As this dress seems quite short and is shown in picture with knickerbockers I have cut out to make a matching pair.

I have top stitched around the bodice, but the edge is hand stitched down as well. 

Hand stitched inside edges of cuffs as instructed by pattern.

Using this pattern for the knickerbockers.

Also, I am making a top, short dress from this pattern with matching knickerbockers in age 1 size.


Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Full moon and Roses

Dress made for Grandchild to grow into!

My pics of the last but one full moon.

The weird silhouette at the front is actually the top of a tree.

Roses, complete with wildlife!

Just a Rose.

Still there the next day.