Monday, 22 June 2020

Have enjoyed making these from Julie Williams, Little Cotton Rabbits pattern

 Have enjoyed making these from Julie Williams Little Cotton Rabbits Range of patterns.

 Two dresses on the right are a modified version of Little Cotton Rabbits design.

 Bunnies sitting down.
 Bunnies standing up!

Photo taken on a walk by a local pool.

In the garden a while ago.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020


Robin collecting fishing maggots (no fishing allowed at the moment!)  to feed hungry young.  This was taken a couple of days ago, in the back garden.  The young ones have since flown the nest.

Exactly how many can a robin fit in its beak!

Finished The Last English Poachers, Bob and Brian Tovey.  Not for the faint hearted but well worth reading.

Now enjoying Danielle Steel ' Spy' .
Knitting from Julie Williams Pattern. Still arms to sew on and dresses to make!