Sunday, 21 January 2018

 Enjoying reading this book. Bought it years ago at a bargain price, I am like having eyes to big for my tummy when it comes to books. I buy far more than I have time to read.  Reading this is like reading a history book, but that is all right I like history!

 Well as I spent time knitting these from an old pattern, and people say hand knitted socks are so comfortable, thought I had better wear them. They are comfortable, just right for a cold winter day like today.  They are very comfortable.

   These were taken yesterday.  Despite people thinking I was a bit mad going out in this weather, there were quite a few other people about.  Always at least a couple of dog walkers in this area, no one around for a short while as I was taking these pics though.
 The tracks were from the park rangers vehicle.