Friday, 21 December 2018

Happy Solstice!
This pic taken a couple of days ago in the garden.  Odd weather for time of year!

Listened to 'Solstice' a radio 4 play I have on tape from about the 80's.  Still a relevant and prophetic play.

 More socks have started knitting. Socks are great to keep in a small bag, theses are in a make up bag, ready to grab to knit on car journeys.

 Started this baby jacket in DK 100% cotton.  I am definitely an amateur knitter, started knitting this not sure about the pattern sometimes, but as usual if I persevere the pattern does eventually make sense. Does take me a long time to complete items, never seem to be enough hours in the day.

See how taking pictures in different lights, different times of the day, and different weather conditions  alters the look of the garment!

 This is the the Womans Weekly pattern I used. As you can see haven't added buttons yet.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Bunny, with the fluffy ball she loves to play with. Have not got a picture of her playing with it at the moment as they come out blurred!

Took this earlier this morning with zoom, sitting on next door but ones fence.

Sunday, 1 April 2018


 After a few busy months, April already! Managed to finish this jumper and have worn it a couple of times as still getting cold days.

 Using up some sock wool and adding some other 4 ply as had not got enough sock wool to complete the socks. This is a great because it so portable, keeping the whole project (apart from instructions) in a sturdy make-up bag.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

 Enjoying reading this book. Bought it years ago at a bargain price, I am like having eyes to big for my tummy when it comes to books. I buy far more than I have time to read.  Reading this is like reading a history book, but that is all right I like history!

 Well as I spent time knitting these from an old pattern, and people say hand knitted socks are so comfortable, thought I had better wear them. They are comfortable, just right for a cold winter day like today.  They are very comfortable.

   These were taken yesterday.  Despite people thinking I was a bit mad going out in this weather, there were quite a few other people about.  Always at least a couple of dog walkers in this area, no one around for a short while as I was taking these pics though.
 The tracks were from the park rangers vehicle.