Saturday, 17 December 2016

Knitted Jumpers in progress.  This is from a  pattern from about the 1940s, The colour yarn is blackcurrent I think, as it was so dark I knitted a lighter contrast stripe.  Didn't like the way the original pattern fastened at the back (crochet loops) so knitted an overlap with buttonholes, will see how it turns out!

This colour of the jumper in this photograph seems different! Must have altered the light on it somehow.

 Have sewn the sleeves in and now need to complete the neck.  

Have started knitting another jumper, really ought to finish the other one first!  This one is from a pattern from the seventies or eighties I think, I am certainly no expert.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Supermoon photos

Taken on the 13th November on the Isle of Wight

14th November 1016 taken in Shropshire

The Waning Supermoon, the Wrekin (of all round the Wrekin fame!), can be seen in the distance on the left of the picture.

Am taking my time sewing this jumper up. Several thing on the go at the moment.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Summer visitors to the garden.  Large White butterfly.  This species particularly seem to like the Nasturtiums which are plentiful in our garden. They lay the eggs underneath the lovely umbrella shaped leaves.

We are lucky to have a few busy bees as well.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Had the urge to do some knitting, using a bag pattern. Knitted as per pattern two sides then decided to do one  on circular needles as well.

This is all still a work in progress, have mattress stitched one side of the bag, which was in two pieces.  The one above knitted on circular needle of course does not need seams.  I have cast of perhaps to looser than I need have done on both bags, but don't think this will matter as am going to do a trim and a lining.

A butterfly mind, started another knitting project!  This is a short sleeved jumper, a vintage pattern bought from ebay.  Using some wool bought a few years ago that had been reduced in price.  It is actually a very dark colour, a dark beetroot colour, difficult to knit with, but looks lighter in these pictures.

Wonder when I will finish these projects!  Want to do some more mini paintings as well.  Never enough hours in the day.   At least the weather here in England has warmed up a bit.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

It seemed like the Wrekin had disappeared this morning!  When the mist cleared, the Wrekin came into view revealing a smattering of snow. It was not long before it had melted though and the rest of the day was bright and sunny, still quite cool though.