Back to short sleeved cardi.
After sewing raglan seams together, a challenge for me is the neck.
Could not find long enough needle to take all the stitches in the correct size,or a circular needle which is ideal for the task!. So used a few DPNs. Bought a bundle of bamboo DPNs in various sizes from an ebay seller in China. Think some people are nervous about buying from China but things I have sent for have always arrived, they take a bit of time but that is only to be expected. So picked up stitches after a few trials and errors.
And knitted neck rib.
Sewed sides up
After knitting button band, knitted to long so undid some rows after sewing to side. Tried a few times to do this, settled on mattress stitch. I am not an experienced knitter.
Have started knitting buttonhole bands this is me in a hap hazard sort of way working out where to put the buttonholes and hopefully getting the buttonhole band the same length as the button band.
Wanted to have a go at the Womans Weekly free pumpkin pattern.
Have not got the correct size dpns so started on a different size. Took me ages to get started really fiddly. Acrylic yarn so have to be careful about splitting as well. Found I had split yarn so undid and tried again. Undid and tried several times for various reasons. (Almost gave up).
Finally decided three needles were easier to get started on.
After undoing it yet again, starting on size 3mm needles as I have not got stated size. Started on 3 needles again to get going eventually introducing the fourth needle. So this is how far I have got. I hope I have the discipline to finish both projects soon!